Smithville Tree Service Companies Offer More

Smithville tree service professional up in a tree removing it piece by piece

Many people assume that the only thing tree companies do is cut down trees. While this is a large part of their repertoire, it is far from all they do for homeowners in Smithville. In addition to a number of other tree-related services, Smithville tree companies are offering so much more. Beyond pruning and trimming, there is always something to do in the yard. Many tree companies are expanding their range of services to help the community with these chores. From garden clean-ups to full tree removal, when you need something done, consider contacting a Smithville tree service company to see if they can help.

Garden Services are Listed on Many Tree Company Websites

Tree workers are very used to working around yards. This makes them the perfect team to help you with some work around your property. When spring rolls around, garden clean up begins. Not only is this chore time consuming, it can be back breaking work. This spring, sit back and relax by hiring your local tree company to do your garden clean up for you. Watch your neighbors sweat and swear as they pull weeds, mulch, blow out leaves, and everything else that comes along with caring for a yard while you enjoy your time off doing whatever you want. A crew of tree worker experts can tackle your yard in the matter of an afternoon and you can be enjoying your gardens the next day.

In addition to garden clean ups, mulching and stone work are other services select tree companies are offering. Anyone who has ever tended to a flower bed knows how important mulch is. The application of a few inches of quality mulch helps retain moisture as well as suppressing weed growth. Stone is a popular ground covering for Jersey shore yards. Maintaining these areas takes a lot of work and homeowners are more than happy to delegate this chore to someone else. Some Smithville tree companies are available for this task.

Lastly, some tree companies even offer services like fencing. Although this may be a more limited number of tree care experts that provide this service, imagine being able to hire one company to care for your entire yard. Tree care companies are doing more for homeowners than caring for trees.

Smithville Tree Service is More than Tree Removal

Some people don’t know how much care yard trees need. Many assume trees don’t require any interference or maintenance. However, trees planted in yards are often singular and they often need a little help. They don’t have a forest of other trees to support them. This can come in the form of trimming and pruning branches and limbs. Whether it is to ensure there is even weight distribution around the trunk to enable the tree to grown straight or if it is because a branch is in danger of causing damage, removing limbs is a crucial step of tree care.

Leaves with discoloration that need to be diagnosed by Smithville tree service professional

Assessing tree health is also an important aspect of Smithville tree service. There is no better expert to look at your trees and make sure they are free of pests and diseases than tree company experts. Any time there is sign of stress in a tree, a professional should be called to evaluate what is going on. Many infestations and diseases are not deadly to trees if dealt with early enough. When it comes to tree care, early intervention is best.

Firewood is offered by most tree companies because they have access to a lot of wood. Even though we are talking about all the other services tree companies offer, tree removal is a big part of their job. This means they have an almost non-stop supply of wood. Although not all trees can be used for firewood due to diseases or pests, much of it can be. Next fall, consider reaching out to a local tree company for your supply of seasoned firewood.

Contact Ben Bivins Tree Experts for Smithville Tree Service

Smithville tree service professional up in a tree removing it piece by piece

Ben Bivins Tree Experts are ready and waiting to provide Smithville tree service today. They are an experienced company that is appropriately licensed and insured. With decades of experience, their professionals can help homeowners determine the best course of action for their entire yard. From garden and fencing services to expert tree care, these tree service experts are the best around.