Branch Creek Lawn Food is Perfect for Every Lawn

Chemicals and pesticides that are commonly found in many grass maintenance products trap owners into a toxic cycle. These dangerous additions deplete essential nutrients, life forms, and mineral from the soil. This means homeowners and turf managers now need to use more product to keep their lawns healthy. Obviously, it is a very unhealthy relationship. On the other hand, the better choice is products like Branch Creek Lawn Food from Tech Terra Environmental. This manufacturer is committed to supplying products that improve soil health. Healthy soil leads to healthy lawns. Healthy lawns require less maintenance and less intervention. The positive side-effect of this regenerative growing approach is that it is environmentally beneficial. Also, it helps fight global warming. It is easy to see why Branch Creek Lawn Food is the perfect product for a healthy, lush lawn.

Environmental Impact

Branch Creek Lawn Food helps make green lawns like the one in picture which is being mowed by a push mower. Only mower and lower half of person is visible in the picture.

It is not hard to understand how soil health and the environment are related. Due to the overuse of pesticides, bad farming practices, and the decrease in planet health, a lot of the carbon stores in soil have been reduced. According to Columbia University’s Earth Institute “The Earth’s soils contain about 2,500 gigatons of carbon—that’s more than three times the amount of carbon in the atmosphere and four times the amount stored in all living plants and animals.” This sounds great, except that that number is changing. And fast. Carbon is being lost from soil at an alarming rate. Part of the reason why carbon is being released at such a fast rate are things like bad farming practices. An example is the overuse of pesticides and fertilizers. Also, planting techniques like monocropping. Soil is also disturbed by deforestation which causes the loss of large amounts of carbon.

Branch Creek Lawn Food Feeds the Soil

Soil affects the planet and the success of anything growing in it. Branch Creek Lawn Food helps to restore the natural balance of soil health. This, subsequently, helps to produce healthier crops. Healthy crops help nourish the soil by supporting biodiversity in the soil. And so on. Healthy soil makes healthy plants. Healthy plants make healthy soil. Whereas, adding pesticides and chemicals to this puts a halt to the whole natural cycle. The need for chemical interference goes up starting with the first use. Plus, whatever goes into the soil, goes into the water. Excessive use of man-made pesticides and chemically enhanced fertilizers are not only releasing large stores of carbon from the soil, but are adding all these toxic ingredients into the water supply. Supporting the use of organic gardening products is better for the planet and all living things on it.

The Biodiversity of the Soil Matters

Soil biodiversity is the assortment of living things that can be found in soil. Both the bio- and the -diversity portions are important. The variety of organisms found in the soil is important because these living things help soil in an assortment of ways. Some of these include breaking down organic matter, halting and interrupting the growth cycle of weeds and diseases, and improving irrigation. Soil health is dependent on the health of the ecosystem within the soil. Poisons and chemicals do nothing to support the health of these organisms. However, products like Branch Creek Lawn Food assist soil biodiversity. The more turf managers that use organic gardening methods, the better the soil biodiversity around the world. Small changes like this choice in using environmentally friendly gardening practices can have a major impact on global health and climate change.

Branch Creek Lawn Food is the Best Choice

Branch Creek Lawn Food leads to lush green lawns like shown in this close-up of healthy grass

For any farmer or turf manager, product choice seems like a small decision. Simply one person using one product in one area. However, considering the fact that the gardening product industry is a 19.5-billion-dollar industry, this choice impacts more than just your private yard. The more people who make the choice to buy and use organic and environmentally friendly products helps support soil health worldwide. The more gardeners that use these products, the healthier the soil, the less products needed. Whereas, the more gardeners that use toxic products, the less healthy the soil, and the more the use of harmful products is needed. This is because the less healthy the soil is, the less successful your crop is and the more the gardener needs to add things to the soil. The best way to avoid the need for noxious products is to use green products like Branch Creek Lawn Food.