7 Common Questions About Getting Sinus Surgery in New Jersey

New Jersey Sinus Center
New Jersey Sinus Center

People with chronic sinus problems may not realize it, but there are ways to alleviate the congestion, pain and discomfort you feel – maybe even permanently.

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinus lining that can cause discomfort, difficulty breathing, and an increased chance of infections. Those who suffer from it often dread cold and allergy season, because even a common cold can turn into something worse due to blockages in the nasal passageways.

Previously, surgery was the only way to address the issue with any kind of permanence. However, a new procedure called balloon sinuplasty now offers a safer, faster solution. Using a simple balloon device, your sinus passageways can be opened larger, giving you relief that could last for many years to come.

1) Has the FDA cleared balloon sinuplasty in the United States?

Yes, as of 2005, the procedure known as balloon sinuplasty and the devices used in it have been cleared by the FDA. To date, over 40,000 such procedures have been performed, and thus far the safety record has been extraordinary. Globally, over 330,000 people have gotten the procedure.

2) Does balloon sinuplasty actually work?

As noted, over 40,000 of these procedures have already been performed in the United States, and over 330,000 globally. According to clinical studies, it has been confirmed that the majority of patients who undergo this treatment experience long-term relief from chronic sinusitis, with opened sinus passageways that finally allow for a free flow of air and/or drainage.  We suggest checking out the NJ Sinus Center.

3) Are these improvements permanent or will follow-up procedures be required?

If you are getting balloon sinus surgery NJ, in most cases one procedure is all that you will need. In the case of an extreme condition, or if nasal polyps develop, a second procedure may be necessary, but studies show that this only happens in the minority of cases. Your doctor and/or surgeon can advise you as to whether or not your case is one that may be resolved in just a single procedure.

4) Why should I choose balloon sinuplasty over traditional sinus surgery?

If you qualify for balloon sinuplasty, there are many reasons to choose it over traditional sinus surgery in New Jersey. The procedure is far less invasive than traditional surgery. There is minimal discomfort and bleeding, recovery times are fast (sometimes as little as a single day), and there is no scarring. Most people are able to get back to work quickly, and with little or no discomfort.

5) Is the balloon sinuplasty procedure safe?

As noted, not only has the procedure been cleared by the FDA, it has been performed over 330,000 times worldwide and boasts an excellent safety record. The procedure is fast, safe and effective.

6) I am allergic to latex; is the balloon safe for me?

Yes. The balloons used in balloon sinuplasty are latex-free.

7) Am I a good candidate for balloon sinuplasty?

Only your doctor and/or a specialist can say for sure. While most patients who suffer from chronic sinusitis are good candidates for the procedure, a minority of patients may not be well suited for it. Factors may include the presence of large nasal polyps or the structure of your sinus cavity. See your doctor for more information specific to your case.