8 Signs You May Need a NJ Computer Technician

nj-computer-technicianNothing is worse than your computer slowing to a crawl and not working properly. If that’s happening to you, here are 8 possible reasons why.

Malware or Virus Infection

One very common reason why a computer may be running slowly when browsing the Internet is that it has been infected with malware or a virus. Even with commercial software these infections can be difficult to remove and can really slow down your computer. Contact a Computer Technician in NJ for help resolving this problem.

Not Enough Free RAM

If all your RAM is being hogged up by a few bloated programs, you will see very noticeable slowdowns in your computer’s performance. Upgrading your RAM is relatively affordable and is an easy way to fix the problem. In addition, an expert can fine tune the programs that typically run on your computer in order to help make sure they are not chewing up too much memory.

Too Much Load On Your Wireless Network

If your wireless network is being used to play games, download music, or stream movies, that could cause your Internet performance to slow down. A home network can only handle so much traffic before it begins to crawl. Make an effort to limit what you’re doing online at any single time in order to ensure you always get maximum performance for your money. NJ Computer Technicians like Jaydien Network Solutions can help you diagnose this issue.

You Fall Short Of System Requirements

System requirements are the minimum specifications a computer needs to meet in order to run a piece of software. Even if you meet those requirements, being on the borderline might mean you’ll see slowdowns anyway. If you recently installed new software or upgraded existing software and are it’s not performing the way you expected, chances are your computer doesn’t meet the system requirements for this software. If you want to upgrade your PC, seek out the assistance of a NJ computer technician.

Your Must Defragment Your Hard Drive

Though less of an issue these days than it used to be, computer hard drives still need to be periodically defragmented. This will consolidate all your hard drive space and move your files together so they’re easier and faster for the computer to access, thereby speeding up performance by a small degree.

Too Many Programs Running

If you are a multitasker, your multitasking may be the problem. Even speedy modern computers can do only so much at once. Running too many programs at the same time, even if they’re running in the background, will ensure that slowdowns are inevitable.

Running Too Long Without A Reboot

Operating your computer for too long without rebooting can cause slowdowns. Your computer needs a little sleep, just like you do, even if it’s only a few seconds. A quick reboot allows it to clear programs out of its temporary memory, shut down any stray applications you didn’t know were running, and give it a “fresh start.”

It’s Running Too Hot

Computers run very hot, and problems such as dust buildup inside the computer can exacerbate the issue. Thanks to that, hot days, inadequate ventilation, and other issues, a system can begin to overheat, which will in turn cause performance issues.