Custom Home in Summit Wish Lists Can be Overwhelming

Builder reviews wish list for custom home in Summit with homeowner

Those who have been through the process know how overwhelming the process of building a custom home in Summit is. Some people have trouble even starting to make a wish list. Having an almost infinite choice to every aspect of a home sounds exciting at first until you understand just how vast that freedom is. It can be paralyzing. Don’t fret though, there’s help out there. Let’s break down the process of designing your custom home in Union County to make it more manageable. When you are excited about your design process, you’ll end up with a better result. Plus, you’ll be able to actually enjoy the journey.

Step One is to Let Your Mind Wander

When you first sit down and begin to think about your dream home in Summit, let your mind wander. Have you always dreamt of having a special area for your wine collection? Is a home gym a must have for you? Would you love more garage space? How about heated floors, or a recording or music room, or vaulted ceilings? No matter what you come up with, put it on the list. Building a custom home is usually a once in a lifetime opportunity so you should take every opportunity to make it the best. You can worry about editing the list later. At the very first stage, though, don’t be concerned with practicality or cost. If you can dream it, include it on your wish list.  

Step Two is to Arrange the Wish List

If step one was easy, step two may be a little more difficult. This stage will start to arrange your wish list into wants and needs. Some of the items on a wish list may seem excessive to some, but may be a necessity to others. Begin to look at your wish list for your custom home in Summit and decide what things must absolutely be included and what items are up for debate. Depending on how well you let your mind go in step one, there might be a third section of things that are the things you’ve always dreamed of. Essentially, the list will be organized by priority. It can be helpful to review the list multiple times and see if you get the same results every time. Also, different members of the household may view certain things as a must have rather than a desire.

Contact a Reputable Builder for Your Custom Home in Summit

Builder reviews wish list for custom home in Summit with homeowner

Once a wish list has been dreamt up, organized, and reviewed & edited, the last step is to interview builders. It is important to work through your wish list discussions prior to contacting builders. For one, some builders specialize in certain areas and will therefore be more appealing to some people and less desirable to others. Secondly, having a clear plan helps you decide which builder is the best fit as well as reduces delays during construction. The more decisions you can make before construction starts, the smoother it will go. We should add a disclaimer that almost no construction job goes completely smooth. It does help, however, to not stop construction every time a decision needs to be made.  

Weather is one thing that is unpredictable and uncontrollable and can greatly affect the construction of a custom home in Summit. Aside from weather, delivery delays, permit acquisitions, inspections, and error, unfortunately, can all extend the length of time it takes to build a custom home. The best thing you can do to eliminate as many interruptions as possible by entering into the process organized and clear on your intent. The better a builder understands what a homeowner wants vs what they need, the better able they are to deliver on that dream. All that being said, the best builder in Summit will tell a homeowner when their dreams are unattainable. A good builder-homeowner relationship is one where compromise is not only welcome, but necessary.