Manasquan HVAC Repair Isn’t Always the Solution

Manasquan HVAC repair tools including a mobile payment unit with credit card inserted

Even with the best care and maintenance program, HVAC units eventually reach the end of their working life. At this stage, Manasquan HVAC repair isn’t the solution. For the average homeowner, it can be hard to known when you need to repair your units or replace them. One of the best meters of whether it is time to replace your HVAC system is age. Typical systems under average use that receive annual maintenance can last about twenty years. Those with either low-quality or lack of any competent care will last a significantly shorter amount of time. Some, as little as ten years. Sometimes, a repair might be all you can afford at the time. But, HVAC repair in Manasquan isn’t always the right solution.

Manasquan HVAC Repair Isn’t Always the Solution

Even if your system isn’t decades old, repairing an issue isn’t always the best solution. It might seem like repairs are always the cheapest option, but that isn’t consistently the case. If your furnace is even just 8-10 years old, a replacement might save you money in the long run. While a repair might cost less in the short term, continuing to use a less efficient system will cost you more and more money each additional year. Major advancements have been made in recent years in terms of efficiency of all home appliances. HVAC systems are included. New furnaces and condensers have become significantly cheaper to run with the improvement in performance. Although the installation of a new HVAC unit is an investment up-front, you will see considerable savings over time on your energy spending.

Contact Your Energy Company for More Information

Your energy provider is a great resource for information. The data they can give you will allow you to realistically compare your energy usage with others in your area. While comparing your recent bills with past bills can give you a glimpse into your typical usage, it’s not a perfect barometer to know if your usage is changing or if it is drastically high.

The best way to know if you are using more energy than other homes in your area is to contact your energy company. Ask them what the average cost per square foot is in the area you live. It is simple to find out what your cost per square foot is. All you need to do is divide one month’s energy bill by the square footage of your home. Be sure to subtract any non-livable space or square footage that does not receive treated air. Like garages and unfinished basements, for example. If your number is much higher than the average, you might want to talk to your local Manasquan HVAC repair company about replacing your units. Learn more about how Manasquan HVAC repair affects your energy bills.

Top Three Ways to Avoid Manasquan HVAC Repair

Manasquan HVAC repair tools including a mobile payment unit with credit card inserted

#1 – The number one way to avoid needing repairs to your heating and air conditioning units is to have an annual inspection. In spring, prior to turning your a/c on for the summer, schedule an appointment with an HVAC technician for an examination of the system. Again in the fall, before you shut your windows and turn your heat on, have them come back and check out your furnace. Identifying and repairing small damages every year prevents major damages. In addition, it will require you to spend less money.

#2 – Another way to ensure your HVAC system runs as efficiently as possible is to make sure you keep up with your air filter maintenance. Every few months, your air filter should be changed. For those that prefer it, there are also forever filters that can be washed rather than trashed. This is easier than making sure you have a filter in stock. And, it is also better for the environment and less expensive.

#3 – The third way to take better care of your heater and air conditioner is to make sure that air flow is not obstructed in any way. This can be caused by bushes planted too close to your condenser outside or by storing too much in your furnace closet inside. Keep all items at least three feet away on all sides of any HVAC unit.

Even with the best care and maintenance routines, all HVAC systems will need to be replaced at some point. Check with your Manasquan HVAC repair company to find out if that time is now.